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Motor-cycopathy Biker Chicklette & Cocky Biker


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Psychiatric Disorder
Motor-cycopathy causes the patient to be driven to wander aimlessly on a motorcycle for hours, (possibly days in severe cases) going nowhere.

The destination doesn’t seem as important as the need to be moving, or “in the wind” as motor-cycopaths like to refer to their episodes. Upon presentation patients appear happier than other patient populations.

It is not classified as an anti-social personality disorder—on the contrary—they are known to gravitate to others with the condition and “run in packs” of “brothers and sisters” who share this chronic condition. It appears that they can find others easily and may emit a scent to attract others (possibly leather and exhaust (?).)

** There is currently no cure, but their “wind therapy” seems to help alleviate any discomfort the chronic symptoms cause (most of which stems from prolonged periods of separation from “the wind.” and the“music” of the revving motor.) 

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