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"EFFRON-Eyes" Wrap Around Print Unisex T-shirt!
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* JUST RELEASED! * "Effron-Eyes" *
All Over Print, Unisex T-shirt
The Unisex T is lighter (thinner) than the Premium T.
Great for Summer!
Buy Now. Special New Product Pricing for "EFFRON-ites" Only. After the initial launch, prices may increase.
Your purchases keep Effron on the road touring and all that goes with that . Thank you for your support!
Click "BUY Effron Gear NOW" To Order. Wear your "Effron-Eyes" on your sleeve, or thereabouts. :) Get EFFRON-ized and EFFRON-ize Your Friends! Order extra as gifts for Holidays, Birthdays, etc. Effin' Right!
Limited Time Only
This item is NOT available in stores.
Click "BUY Effron Gear NOW" To Order.
This image also available in an 11 oz, high quality, coffee mug. Right click the link to open in a new tab.
And a 15 oz mug.
(Original art work by Lauren Blaine)
To hear Effron's music, go to www.EffronMusic.com